The Macksville Show will return May 2 & 3 2025 – “Lights Camera Action!” – Buses running Saturday April 12 only!

The Macksville Show is one of the premier agricultural and entertainment events on the Mid North coast of New South Wales.

The show attracts exhibitors from all over plus the local Nambucca Valley community. In fact, the show is wholly owned by the Nambucca River Agricultural Society Limited and is a non-for -profit organisation serving the community.

While the Macksville Show boasts many key events in the area of horses, livestock including cattle and goats, produce, dogs, chickens and an extensive range of other activities including our famous side show alley.

The Nambucca River District Agricultural Association Ltd is the owner of the Macksville Showground which is located at 111 Rodeo Drive, North Macksville, the Nambucca River (Macksville) Show which was established in 1906 and the Macksville Saleyards where livestock sales are held on alternate Wednesdays.

The Nambucca River District Agricultural Association Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation serving the Nambucca Valley community in providing affordable facilities for events/functions (include parties, weddings, etc…) and assisting other local not-for-profit organisations.

The Showground is also home to the following organisations:

  • The Rusty Iron Rally
  • Pro-Ag
  • Macksville Poultry Club
  • Nambucca Valley Natural Horsemanship Club
  • The Nambucca River Pony Club
  • The Garden Gala Day

This website has been established to provide our members, partners, interest groups, competitors and the local community with information to be involved with the Macksville Show plus the hiring of the showground for community and special events. Included on the website are all the necessary forms and programs to allow you to become involved. We also have a sponsorship drive and we are continually looking for corporate and private sponsorship for the show and other events.